For the chocolate lovers. Campaign & brand for the launch of Propercorn's Chocolate Popcorn. A diverse campaign that had huge reach over traditional & digital mediums, including store take-overs, a bespoke "Popcorn & Chill" monthly editorial piece & London Fashion Week sponsorship, disrupting the norm of FMCG advertising and connecting with millennials all over the UK.

Responsibilities: Art direction, design, motion.
Work completed in-house at PROPER.
CD: Becky Akers
Photography: Nathan Joyce

For the chocolate lovers. Campaign & brand for the launch of Propercorn's Chocolate Popcorn. A diverse campaign that had huge reach over traditional & digital mediums, including store take-overs, a bespoke "Popcorn & Chill" monthly editorial piece & London Fashion Week sponsorship, disrupting the norm of FMCG advertising and connecting with millennials all over the UK.

Responsibilities: Art direction, design, motion.
Work completed in-house at PROPER.
CD: Becky Akers
Photography: Nathan Joyce